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Pricing for the sync service depends on the storage and frequency chosen while creating the task. Below you will find pricing details for storage and each frequency level. Contact us if you need a custom service or pricing. The price is paid in Kenshi tokens.
If you're not sure which plan fits your needs the best, you can contact us by sending an email to or reaching out via one of our official social media links.
Kenshi charges $8 per month per gigabyte of indexed data. This data is geographically distributed on five data servers. Every 1GB of data on each server is backed backed by 0.256GB of RAM.
Kenshi charges $49.99 for every 2,592,000 indexing runs. That means you'll pay $49.99 per month if your task runs every second, or half of that if it runs once every two seconds.
Contact us if you need to store more than 400GB of data, need to index events from a great number of contracts, or have any other unique requirements. The Kenshi Deep Index infrastructure runs completely serverless, is able to handle hundreds of thousands of events per second, and is able to index peta-bytes of data. Reach out to for inquiries or further details.
To get a grant on our services or to get a discount you can contact us at .