Below you can find the Kenshi Reverse-API request body schema.
Field | Type | Description |
entry | Object | The parsed log entry received from the blockchain |
entry._id | String | String ID of this record in the Kenshi database cluster |
entry.log | Object | Information about the event log |
entry.log.index | String | Hex representation of the log index |
entry.transaction | Object | Information about the transaction |
entry.transaction.index | String | Hex representation of the transaction index |
entry.transaction.hash | String | Hex representation of the transaction hash |
entry.block | Object | Information about the block |
entry.block.address | String | Hex representation of the contract address emitting the event |
entry.block.hash | String | Hex representation of the block hash |
entry.block.number | Number | The block number |
entry.event | Object | Information about the emitted event | | String | Name of the emitted event |
entry.event.signature | String | Signature of the emitted event |
entry.event.args | Object | Parsed arguments for the emitted event |
entry.event.args.$ | String | Hex value of an argument where $ is the argument name |
entry.createdAt | String | ISO string of the date when this record was created in the Kenshi database cluster |
taskId | String | The "taskId" associated with your event listener task |
blockchain | String | Name of the chain, possible values are: "ethereum-mainnet", "ethereum-goerli", "arbitrum-mainnet", "arbitrum-goerli", "avalanche-mainnet", "avalanche-fuji", "binance-mainnet", "binance-testnet", "polygon-mainnet", "polygon-mumbai", "fantom-mainnet", "fantom-testnet", "aurora-mainnet", "aurora-testnet", "bitgert-mainnet", "bitgert-testnet" |